My name is Csilla Gévai. I have a third name which is Julianna, the name got passed on from my great-grandmother. I’m a children’s book author, Illustrator and enviromentalist. I graduated from the university with Hungarian language-literature and cultural anthropology. This is how I fell in love with the Eskimo culture. The Eskimos have taught me that less is more and that minimalism can carry the deepness of an Ocean. In my Illustrations you can meet this kind of miniamlism I was talking about. Although, in my writings I don’t hold myself back because I love the richness of the sentences. I believe in childlike purity, the creativity of the human race and most importanly, I believe that Love is inreplacable. My goal is the enlightment of happiness.
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1992-ben kreativitás világbajnokságot nyertünk Boulderben (USA).
A legkedvesebb ételem a kimcsi.
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Kedvenc könyvem a Boris Vian Tajtékos napok című regénye.
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